Contemporary LEED standards are feel-good gestures, by the standards of the 22nd Century.
So I suggest the following standards that expand LEED:
Cities of the future will need buildings which eliminate rather than reduce reliance on fossil fuels and grids, while lowering living costs, promoting self-reliance and social justice. The closest examples in North America are Earthships, Living Machines, Ecolonies and Rocky Mountain Institute. Cities will evolve to meet such standards, or civilization will crumble.
DESIGN: Deeply earth-bermed passive solar orientation for heating and cooling without fossil fuels. Bermsgardened. Sun tubes and onsite PV for lighting. Rainwater collection in cisterns on roof and basement. Edible roof garden. Trombe walls, garden walls and aquaculture. Basement food storage. Maximum three bermed stories above ground. Upper floors wheelchair access via berm slopes. No elevator.
CONSTRUCTION: Disassembly and re-use of materials from existing structures. At least 80% recycled building materials (particularly from existing building on site) rather than virgin materials. Maximum employment of physical labor, maximum from within neighborhood. No extension of existing footprint.
SURROUNDS: Porous walkways only. No cement or asphalt paving. Edible landscaping. No lawn. No automobile or truck parking spaces. Lots smaller than 5 acres: at least 25% orchard. Six-ten acre lots: at least 50% orchard. Above ten acres: at least 75% orchard. Fruits for free harvest and/or local sale. Recycle leaves and drops.
ACCESS: Located within three blocks of train, trolley, pedicab, or bus route. Bicycle, pedestrian and wheelchair access. Solar hot water showers for these commuters.
INTERNAL TECHNOLOGIES: Solar, wind, biogas, hydro and/or pedal electric. No connection to electric utility other than for reverse metering. Greywater re-use. Waterless toilets and urinals only. No flush toilets: onsite processing and re-use.
NTERNAL PROCESSES: Recycling only. No trash collection. Biodegradable cleansers only. No bottled water. No paper towels or blow dry. Furniture, carpets, drapes and other accoutrements regionally-made of recycled materials.
CORPORATE FORM: Nonprofit land trust. Building reverts to neighborhood organization upon extended vacancy. Stocks not publicly traded, other than on green regional stock exchange. Equitable development principles.
PURPOSE: Strengthens neighborhood power and affordability. Nonmilitary uses: no building can purport to benefit the planet while preparing to destroy it.
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