Today, while much of America tilts beyond chronic recession into early depression, it is time to begin an orderlynational transition from dollars to HOURS. This profound heresy becomes perhaps inevitable, since dollars have becometokens of unrepayable debt. And, bluntly, they're a tool with which speculators gamble our jobs and homes. By contrast, HOURS are as steady as the clock, because minutes neither expand nor contract. HOURS when properly issued represent basic labor that produces real goods and services.
Philadelphia is ready to become one of the most beautiful and enjoyable cities in America. It's fully capable of being a model green city. Our city is also ready to become hell on earth, due to rocketing fuel and food prices. We're being forced to think outside the box because, with the collapse of fossil fuel, there will be no box to think inside. Since normalcy is no longer practical we'll choose either to rebuild this city or be bystanders at its decline. Within thirty years Philadelphia will be either a green city or a ghost town.
So let's imagine a Philadelphia that works well with one tenth the oil and natural gas. Prepare to laugh at some of these suggestions. Then prepare to work. Rebuilding Philadelphia so it secures and delights all of us, and our children, will require hundreds of thousands of new jobs. MORE